Monday, December 11, 2006

Getting ready to leave...

Queridos amigos,

By now most of you know about it, John and Jorn are leaving to Tokyo, Japan. And while the actual trip itself was never a matter of debate, the date sadly was. So after having postponed our trip twice, we finally found a suitable date for the both of us: December 14th 2006.

As is usually the case with trips of this nature, we are never quite sure of having prepared everything we should prepare. Neither of us has ever been there, and despite the good advice we have obtained, from friends and the like, there is still a healthy amount of uncertainty concerning general issues leading up to our departure. In the end both of us obviously feel very exited about the whole venture and any doubts we might have concerning the preparations are effectively overshadowed by the aforementioned excitement.

So what can you expect from this blog... well, the idea is to create a diary of sorts to give you an idea of the many things we will encounter there, so if you feel like knowing what we are up to just swing by our spot and tune in to our show...


Unknown said...

Suave, Anda a morfar Sushi. Moshi Moshi. Miagawua con Pelo teƱido de morado.

Good Luck!


Mother said...

Lieve Schat, een goed reis toegewenst en zoals het een goede 'Mother' betaamt een goede raad: Gedraag je!!! Je bent daar op bezoek.
Love you.

Heiko said...

Finally 1 month without being confronted with your ugly faces! Ha!

Unknown said...

Japan? Que alucinante viejo. Mucha suerte y pasala bomba. No te olvides escribir. Saionara

Mirj@m said...

Oi Chato,

Ik wens je een hele fijne 'ontdekkingsreis' toe in alle vormen... go for it!

Good luck :-)

Liefs Mirjam

E.J. Delwel said...


goede reis, veel plezier en hou me op de hoogte.
Niet teveel Sake drinken, hoor!

Rick said...

Johnman, goeie reis jongen!
Niet alleen maar werken heh, want daar is dat land volgens mij te mooi voor.
Ik verwacht een zwaard heh!! ;p


Unknown said...

Hai, ik hoop dat je goed bent aangekomen. Heeel veel plezier in Japan en maak maar veel mooie foto's.
Nog een goed advies: Geef Rick geen zwaard!! ;)

x Yin